by Aaron Smith, Chief Commercial Officer
IEA and IRENA project that wind power will be the largest source of energy in a net zero economy that limits global temperatures to 1.5° C. Achieving the roughly 8,100 GW of capacity to provide 1/3 of global energy demand by 2050 requires that we dramatically scale up annual installations to 4x the levels achieved last year. This unprecedented expansion of both onshore and offshore wind is not happening quickly enough. Such transformational growth will not happen with business as usual policies and the famous blah blah blah. We need fearless action from governments that recognizes the existential and time-sensitive nature of this emergency.
While it is easy to feel discouraged by the politics, widespread greenwashing, and the difficulty establishing global, binding commitments, I left the conference feeling that we are truly at an inflection point. Here are 6 reasons why from the lens of the offshore wind industry:
Beyond the above, it is energizing to see that the technical feasibility of Net Zero now seems to be almost universally accepted, with questions mostly limited to timing. This is a colossal shift in attitude from previous COPs and I am hopeful that the continued exposure of decision makers to the value of large-scale offshore wind power will show that climate action and economic growth are fully compatible. By increasing knowledge and removing fear, we can remove objections to actions and enable greater ambition to act in time.
The industry is speaking with one voice about the ingredients required to unleash the vast potential of ocean renewable energy. I encourage everyone to check out GWEC’s manifesto for the full set of recommendations.
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